Prayer to God the Father through the merits of Christ’s Passion and most pure hands of Mary
- Our Father, we pray and humbly worship holy wounds of Jesus Christ submitted by the coronation crown of thorns. Especially we show You a deep wound next to his right eye, which was closed for all those that Satan has blinded with cunning and splendor of this world
We ask this through the pain and purified hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Our Father, we pray and humbly worship holy wounds of Jesus Christ which He has suffered from a falling under the weight of the Cross. Especially we show You a deep wound at His side for all those who are under influence of Evil in their families, and for all those who have voluntarily surrendered his teaching. Father, by the Precious Blood of your Son which came from wound, pour out Thy mercy and blessings.
We ask this through the pain and purified hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Our Father, we pray and humbly worship holy wounds of Jesus Christ. Especially we present You painful wound on your Son’s right leg beside the knee, for all those who, fallen and burdened with earthly life, can’t raise and continue on the path of salvation because of envy and jealousy.
We ask this through the pain and purified hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Our Father, we pray and humbly worship holy wounds of Jesus Christ. . Especially we present You His dislocated shoulder and crucifixion of his right hand on the cross for all those who are called and chosen in the Sacred Heart of your Son, bestow upon them the grace of perseverance and protect them from all evil. By the painful cry of your Son at the time of the crucifixion, please destroy all the infernal forces that have surrounded Your Church.
We ask this through the pain and purified hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Let us pray:
Our Father, look at the wounds of your loving Son! We ask you by the power of His sacrifice and intercession of Blessed Virgin Mary purified hands, deliver us from all misconceptions and heresy. Free us, our heavenly Father, from every evil in body, mind and soul. Amen.
At the end, we pray:
- Apostoles Creed, to confirm and consolidate our faith
- Our Father, to accept God as merciful Father who created us for love and out of love;
- Hail Mary, in gratitude for all the graces that the Lord has poured out on the Church and to the world by the hands of Mary and her motherly intercession ;
- Glory be to the father, deeply adoring the Holy Trinity, and indivisible unity