Invocations to the mostu pure hands of Mary
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy
Saint Mary, pray for us
Mother of God, pray for us
Mother od the Church, pray for us
With your most pure hands, lead us, oh Mother
With your most pure hands, take us to the Fountain of living water which we desire, lead us, oh Mother
When pride presses us, with your most pure hands of humbleness, lead us, oh Mother
When we are deaf to the will of God, with your most pure hands of obedience, lead us, oh Mother
When hatred is trying to extinguish love, with your most pure hands of love, lead us, oh Mother
When we are affected by noise and restlessness, with your most pure hands permeated by peace, lead us, oh Mother
When we turn away from the truth, with your most pure hands shaped by righteousness, lead us, oh Mother
When indifference implant in our families, with your most pure hands of tenderness, lead us, oh Mother
In temptations against purity and chastity, with your most pure hands of cleanness, lead us, oh Mother
In the pain and suffering of life, with your most pure hands of consolation, lead us, oh Mother
In selfishness, which take us away from community, with your most pure hands of unity, lead us, oh Mother
When we are in weakness with just a cry, with your most pure hands of grace, lead us, oh Mother
When the heart is closed, and thoughts lose clarity, with your most pure hands of confidence, lead us, oh Mother
When we lose the way of life in wanderings, with your most pure hands of mission, lead us, oh Mother
When we feel that all is lost and faith is languishing, with your most pure hands of hope, lead us, oh Mother
When our steps become slower because of many crosses, with your most pure hands of strenght, lead us, oh Mother
When in everyday falls we fail to start again, with your most pure hands of nearness, lead us, oh Mother
When there is a moment of hopelessness, with your most pure hands of blessings, lead us, oh Mother
When life encounter moments of darkness, with your most pure hands of light, lead us, oh Mother
When we forget that death was destroyed by Jesus’s Passover, with your most pure hands of Resurrection, lead us, oh Mother
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, listen us, O Lord
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, O Lord
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us
Let us pray:
Oh, God, whose mercy to sacrifice your Son Jesus Christ saved mankind, deliver us from all spiritual and material harm. Through the intercession of the Virgin Mary and its purified and effective hands, grant us the power of the Holy Spirit, so that in the midst of stormy waves of the world we could remain firm in our faith on the boat of your Church, and one day arrive in the heavenly homeland and forever enjoy the glory of Thy Father’s embrace. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mary, Mother and Queen of most pure hands, pray for us!